Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Scientists classify the animal kingdom into different categories. The two main categories are Vertebrate and Invertebrate.

Vertebrates have backbones such as birds,reptiles,amphibian,fish and mammals. Did you know humans are mammals because they have a backbone ,they are warm blooded and when they are young their mother feeds them milk?

Invertebrates have no backbones and make up 97% of the animal kingdom. They are comprised of 7 groups. Arthropods- exoskeleton, annelida- worms and molluscs- soft bodied. Those are 3 of the groups.


  1. i learned something new today sweeti, vertebrates and invertebrates, ha ha

    keep up the good work

  2. Hi Vivienne,

    That was some good writing. You did a good job of explaining what vertebrates and invertebrates are and the different groups of them. I think it's amazing that invertebrates make up 97% of the animal kingdom, that is a lot! I hope you can learn more about other insects so you can tell me about them.


  3. Hi Mum,
    Thanks for the comment. Next time I should ask what have you learnt everyday. Anyway thanks for the comment again.


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